Press Pack:


Imagine you're a 12 year old, suddenly in charge of the guard shed at the castle gate, where you decide if elves, goblins and 100+ other characters should be admitted. It's a wonderful combination of deduction, narrative and puzzle games.

Key Features:

  • Fantasy/Comedy Narrative: See the Sprawl and its fantastical & quirky citizens through a royal wedding to one of two kingdoms vying for an alliance, and a subsequent siege by whoever you've angered in the process. Your decisions can determine the fate of the city and its people!

  • Interrogation Puzzles: Interrogate 100+ fully voiced characters in just the right way to earn a perfect score.

    Tools of the trade: Spend your hard earned gold wisely on powering up your guardsman toolkit, and strategically deploy these to admit or deny the right people or...goblins?

  • Rewind Time: Use your trusty Chronometer3000 to go back and get a higher score... but be careful not to break space and time in the process.

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